SUV with pedal, equal to gild the lily? Car owner: It smells good!
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SUV with pedal, equal to gild the lily? Car owner: It smells good!

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SUV with pedal, equal to gild the lily? Car owner: It smells good!

Suvs should not be equipped with foot pedals, in fact, this is an old question. Some people say it is a chicken ribs, others say it is very useful, with a certain degree of controversy.

However, if the foot pedal is also a chicken rib accessories, it should be out of the market long ago, the reason can stay so long, must have its role.


Generally, we often see some SUV models on the road with foot pedals installed on both sides. After the installation of foot pedals, the appearance of the whole car will have a very obvious change, becoming radical or more overbearing.

And for the role, according to different people, there are different views, but the role of the foot pedal is always more good than harm.

First of all, the most obvious role of the pedal, that is, of course, convenient for passengers to get on and off the car. Especially some of the elderly and children, which is a little difficult to get on and off the bus group.


After all, the chassis of SUVs is usually higher than that of sedans, so installing foot pedals would make it easier for them to get in and out.

In addition, when passing through poor road conditions, such as muddy places, it is easy to rub against the body, so that the body beauty is affected.

And with the foot pedal, can reduce the damage caused by rubbing to a certain extent, provide protection.

In addition, a more obvious role is that the foot pedals can prevent side scratching. Because the foot pedal is better than the original body is a little wider.

So in some cases, it's also anti-rub. Footboards like this are mainly used for special groups, such as the elderly and children.

At the same time, it is also convenient to wash the car, like the overall body of the SUV is relatively high, so when washing the car, because the body is too high, can not reach the roof, can not carry out a comprehensive cleaning of the roof.

In particular, it has a skylight, which also affects the maintenance of the skylight. But it would be much easier if there were pedals, and the side pedals could be used to clear all corners of the roof

However, the installation of foot pedals is also disadvantages, such as easy to rub the trouser leg, reduce the ground clearance, etc.

It really comes down to individual needs. There are advantages and disadvantages, but like the foot pedal this auxiliary equipment, the overall is quite practical.

Fangxian Industry Park, Fangxian Town, Danyang City, Jiangsu Province, China